
Sub-series: Restaurant Reviews - Waffle House

So, we all know the star rating system.  Similarly, I'll be using the ice cream cone system.  Out of five delicious ice cream cones (1 being relative to fat free, low-cal store brand fake-vanilla ice cream and 5 being hand-scooped, freshly made, candy-loaded, full-fat custard) I will let you know how each restaurant stands up.  I'm going to limit each description to the length of a Tweet, 140 characters, so as to not bore you to death!

Overall Rating:

Waffle House           
Collinsville, IL

From Left to Right: Two Biscuits with Sausage Gravy, Hash Browns Scattered Smothered Covered Diced and Capped, and a Coke

Total After Tip $12
Price: Reasonable for a completely filling meal with leftovers.  I'm sort of a generous tipper; could've left a dollar less for the same service.

Food: Hash browns were deliciously crunchy, evenly shredded and topped well. The open, grill-toasted biscuits swam in delightfully creamy gravy.

Service: Uniformed staff choreographed their cramped movements with a friendly air. Code rang out: Ring a scattered, covered, chopped...for table one!
Ambiance: Clean-cut traditional diner filled with sweet pecan waffle smells that linger all the way back to your desk. Twist at your counter stool!

Overall: I sincerely recommend this reformed greasy-spoon to any nooner, diner, or late-nighter! Enjoy!

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